Pronominal verbs

Pronominal verbs #

Four relations are considered for the reflexive marker se: comp:obj, comp:obl, comp@expl, and comp@pass.

Reflexive marker (se, me, te, nous, vous) are analysed as forms of the reflexive pronoun se: PRON, Reflex=Yes, and lemma=se.

The semantic distinction between reflexive meaning (je me rase) and reciprocal meaning (ils s’aiment) is not marked.

comp:obj: Reflexive pronouns replacing a direct object.

comp:obl: Reflexive pronouns replacing an oblique complement.

comp@expl : For pronominal verbs i.e. verbs that can only be used with a relexive pronoun (such as se souvenir, s’évaporer, etc.), or lexicalised verb senses (such as s’entendre).

  • comp@pass: For passive reflexive constructions, where the the object has been promoted in the subject position: je vend des livres => les livres se vendent bien. The marker se is still analysed as a reflexive pronoun, even if it has no pronominal vlue.
There is an open issue about these annoations: see #38