
Coordination #

Chained conjuncts #

In UD, all conjuncts of a coordination are attached to the head of the first conjunct in a bouquet. In SUD, each conjunct is attached to the head of the previous one in a chain.

The first example below shows the annotation of a coordination in UD and the second one the corresponding annotation in SUD.



pattern { X -[conj:coord]-> Y }

Embedded coordination #

The conjunct of a coordination can itself be a coordination. Theoretically, this embedding can be nested indefinitely. In natural corpora, however, there is typically only one level of iteration. The conj:coord label does not make a distinction between embedded relations and surface relations because they form a single chain. However, these relations can be distinguished with the use of the extension @emb for embedded coordinations.


pattern { X -[conj:coord@emb]-> Y }

Shared dependents #

Left dependents on coordination are attached to the head of the coordination. Since the head of a coordination is the head of the leftmost conjunct, it is not possible to distinguish these dependents from the own dependents of the leftmost conjunct.

Right dependents on a coordination are attached to the head of the rightmost conjunct, but they can be confused with the own dependents of this conjunct.

As a consequence, left and right dependents on a coordination can be marked with feature Shared with value Yes and No, The value Yes distinguishes them from the own dependents of the respective leftmost and rightmost conjuncts.

pattern { X [Shared]; X -[conj:coord]-> Y }