Comparative construction

Comparative constructions #

In comparative constructions where each term is introduced with a grammatical pair like more… than, the relation between the two grammatical words is labeled comp:obj, with the first word being the head of the second. Consider the example:


Note that the first grammatical word of the comparison (plus) is considered a modifier of the property being compared. Examples in other languages: plus … que (French), più … di (Italian), bardziej … niż (Polish).

Sometimes, there is no grammatical word introducing the first term of the comparison; the property being compared has a particular inflection or it is represented with a specific word. In this case, the dependency comp:obj would be used to link the property directly to the than term, with no modifier relationship.

Find more french example here pattern { N1 [lemma=“plus”|“moins”]; N2 [lemma=“que”]; N1 « N2 ; N1-[comp:obj]->N2}


Superlative constructions #

Superlative constructions containing a reference to the group of nouns compared are annotated with a udep relation connecting the comparative to the preposition.



Find more example here and here

Consecutive constructions #

In consecutive constructions, such as so… that or in other languages: tellement … que (French), così … che (Italian), tak … że (Polish), the analysis would be similar:


Find more example here pattern { N1 [lemma=“tellement”]; N2 [lemma=“que”]; N1 « N2 ; N1-[comp:obj]->N2}

These constructions are similar to other constructions organized around pairs of correlated words. For example, in French:



French #


Overview #

Haitian Creole #


Overview #

Specific Pattern #