conj & subrels

conj #

Universal #

The conj relation in SUD corresponds to the three UD relations: reparandum, conj and appos.

These three relations work as paradigmatic lists. That’s why in SUD, we decided to gather these three relations under the main relation conj to underline the similarity between the three.

pattern { e : GOV-[1=conj]->DEP}

We distinguish:

  • conj:dicto for disfluencies when the speaker corrects his speech (parallel to reparandum in written texts)
  • conj:coord for elements connected by a coordinating conjunction (parallel to conj in written texts)
  • conj:appos for appositional modifiers that serve to define better the previous noun (parallel to appos in written texts)

A global view of conj usage in the last release of SUD if shown in this table.

Chained conjuncts #

In UD, all conjuncts of a coordination are attached to the head of the first conjunct in a bouquet. In SUD, each conjunct is attached to the head of the previous one in a chain.

The first example below shows the annotation of a coordination in UD and the second one the corresponding annotation in SUD:



French #


Overview #

Specific Pattern #

Haitian Creole #


Overview #

Specific Pattern #